The Entrepreneur Members Club
The Entrepreneur Members Club

Welcome to The Entrepreneur Members Club

Empowering solopreneurs to scale their business and digital footprint

What is The Entrepreneur Members Club?

Finding the right community to grow your business is not easy. After all, most communities don't create meaningful connections or share the same values that you hold close to heart.

Imagine a place where you feel at home and have discussions with like-minded entrepreneurs. A place that helps you learn from people who have been there before and can offer valuable advice on creating a successful business.  Ever wished there was an online and in-person community of solopreneurs like you? A group that cuts through all of the noise and provide relevant content that helps you grow your business.

Join The Entrepreneurs Members Club a community of solopreneurs who come together to help each other grow their businesses using the principles of entrepreneurship. This tight-knit community creates safe spaces for discussions and helps profile members better leverage their skills and expertise in business development and revenue growth.

Are you ready to join the most incredible Community, social growth, and ACCOUNTABILITY group for the top aspiring, GOAL accomplishing ENTREPRENEURS

Classes are Every Tuesday and Thursday at 7pm.  Goal settings are every Sunday at 8am

Here's what YOU get

💎We meet virtually twice a week
💎We have a weekly goal setting meeting
💎Free business meet ups
💎Help you develop products to grow your email/text list
💎Learning content creation
💎Support group/ accountability partners/ relationship building
💎Branding and marketing strategies
💎Book club/ podcast club
💎Mindset and personal development
💎Learn from some of my really cool successful friends
💎Monthly themes and scope of work

💎Networking with like minded entrepreneurs

Benefits from group learning

Sometimes we feel we are all alone and we are the only one's who doesn't have it all figured out but in reality that isn't true.  Being around like minded people that will help you grow is life changing.

  1. You're EXPOSED to a variety of perspectives

  2. Improve social SKILLS

  3. Accountability and responsibility

  4. Receive social support and ENCOURAGEMENT to take risks

  5. Ability to view situations from others PERSPECTIVE